You will be refunded in accordance with the requirements under the prevailing Code of Collective Investment Schemes (issued by the MAS) in respect of payment of redemption proceeds.
Receipt of the cancellation proceeds may take up to 7 business days.
Cancellation Order vs Sell Order
Alternatively, you may choose to sell your holdings instead of submitting a cancellation request.
If the market value of the units held by you as of the cancellation date is greater than your original investment amount, you may wish to sell your holdings instead of exercising your right to cancel.
You will also be able to receive the proceeds instantly (subject to the availability of Instant Withdrawal).
Do note that the current market value referenced here is dependent on the time of submission of your cancellation request or redemption order. Published prices are indicative in nature and can change during the period between submission and processing of the cancellation request or redemption order.
You may refer to Section C - Cancellation Terms & Conditions of the Terms and Conditions Governing Mari Invest Account for more details on cancellation.
Our 24/7 Customer Service Team is here for you if you have any questions!